LOGI-Know - The Cyber Physical Systems knowledge accelerator in the logistics of manufactures


The aim of the initiative is to deepen the awareness of CPS (Cyber Physical System) technologies, innovations that involve the integration of physical and computational processes, and to support companies in introducing them into their business processes. Specifically, this project foresees the use of different tools, from informative and in-depth documentation to the realisation of meetings, workshops and moments of experience shared through surveys and networking initiatives with the aim of spreading CPS technological applications, especially in the field of logistics and transportation, to be made available to companies and all interested stakeholders. The project will also enrich the knowledge on CPS in the logistics sector by involving the DIH4CPS network in order to increase the impact of the analysis at European level.

If you are a manufacturing company, you can participate to our survey, you will help us define the current scenario in which companies operate, identifying best practices and innovation paths for the benefit of the entire European industrial ecosystem.

To fill in the questionnaire click here.

Click here to read the repor of the projectt.


To discover more on CPS technologies click here. 
To discover more about DIH4CPS 
click here


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This Digital Innovation Hub Activities has received financial support as third party from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, through an Open Call issued and executed under the project DIH4CPS (Grant Agreement No. 872548).

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European Union-DIH4CPS program


Fondazione Speedhub


20.000 euro



Fondazione Speedhub

Piazza Cittadella 12 - 37122 Verona - Italia
C.F. 93274940233

Telephone: +39 045 8099426

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