100 Luoghi Industry 4.0


The goal is to make the Veneto region a “laboratory for the development of the country", with a focus on creating a territory-wide ecosystem conducive to the setting up, growth and development of companies and start-ups within the field of digital manufacturing and industry/craftsmanship 4.0. In particular, the project plans to make “living labs” available online (showcasing first and foremost local companies, university laboratories, research centres, and co-working and innovation centres) capable of providing concrete examples of 4.0 applications in business processes. The first phase involving identify companies has been completed and the second phase is to organise events across the region within “showcase” companies.


Confindustria Veneto


Unindustria Treviso, Confindustria Padova, Confindustria Venezia, Metropolitan area of Venice and Rovigo, Fondazione Speedhub, Confindustria Vicenza, Confindustria Veneto


2019 - 2020

Fondazione Speedhub

Piazza Cittadella 12 - 37122 Verona - Italia
C.F. 93274940233

Telephone: +39 045 8099426

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